These are set and enforced by the moderators.
- is where people from all walks of life can come together and collaborate in a respectful, inclusive environment — no matter their age, nationality, race, gender identity or religious beliefs are.
We welcome conversation, feedback and differing viewpoints at our space! However, to ensure the safety of all visitors we ask that everyone remain respectful; please refrain from posts containing any form of spam or personal attacks. Let's work together for a positive experience for everyone!
We will take swift action to protect this server and its users from harm, quickly suspending any account that violates our rules without hesitation. Additionally, if the members of a remote server are found to be collectively attempting to cause damage here, then I may disconnect them entirely.
Mastodon is a public platform, and anything that you post - including private conversations - can be seen by anyone. Remember to adjust your privacy settings accordingly if confidentiality is of the utmost importance for your posts.
At, we strive to provide a safe and friendly environment for all of our members, so by signing up you're agreeing to abide by the rules! We appreciate your cooperation - Don
This instance is intended for current ScreenCastsOnline Members Only and is not open for other registrations. Please enter your ScreenCastsOnline username in the "Why do you want to join?" box when signing up.